Category Archives: OWT

What if pyramids are time machines?

Time travel?

What is time travelling? Yes  it is travelling in time, but how exactly it is defined? It’s not necessary to alter time itself to do it. Time travel is travelling to a different position time without experiencing the time passing or experiencing the positive or negative change in time much quicker than real-time.

time travel

So if I want to travel one week in future, I could ask doctors to put myself in artificial coma and then wake me up. A week would had passed, but for me it would had been just a quick moment.

The problem in this technique is that your body is getting older and long time in coma will have some other unpleasant side-effects, like muscles becoming shriveled, you get bedsore etc.

Suspended animation

time travel

In sci-fi movies this is solved by cryogenic sleep or suspended animation.  In movies like Alien, Planet of the Apes, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Avatar, Prometheus, Passengers and many others, the astronauts are put in some kind of hypersleep to survive very long-distance space travel.

This is not as far-fetched as one might think. People can survive under ice almost half an hour and still fully recover. What if this could be prolonged? There is a article about the subject here.


Also some terminally ill people have been cryogenically frozen in hopes of one day waking them up again. This is a big business although many doctors say that the tissue damage caused by the freezing can not be reversed even with future technology.

time travel


Now we can go to Egypt.. to the Pharaohs and pyramids. We know that the ancient Egyptians believed in afterlife and prepared the Pharaohs for that. Their internal organs were removed and conserved in jars. They were placed inside monumental structures that can last thousands of years. The walls were covered with “spells” and the chambers were filled with gold and other valuables.

time travel

What if our interpretation about the religious reasons is too complicated. What if this was their version of the cryogenic sleep. Maybe they understood that when they preserve the body and the organs and they seal it in chamber that can survive thousands of years, maybe one day the science has advanced to the point where we can resurrect them.

Maybe even the hieroglyphs were used as “universal sign language” which could also be read in future despite spoken languages being changed. It did not work out that well, but again it’s plausible. We have sent messages to space on Pioneer and Voyager probes. They were written in “universal language” which alien species could read – but how could they if even we, human, can not.

Kuvahaun tulos haulle voyager plaque

Kuvahaun tulos haulle voyager plaque

Boys’ sekret club

You have probably heard about the Bilderberg Group, Freemasons, Bonesmen, and other Odd fellows. Typically these are groups of mostly old people drinking whiskey in their tuxedos and talking food things about themselves and blaming the outsiders for all the problems. These organizations have existed for years but their importance and influence is getting smaller every year.

It’s times like these that make it possible for something new to emerge. The latyest arrival is an organization that calls themselves “The Molle Group” after a tiny village located in Southern Sweden. The members do not want to comment it, but some sources have leaked information that the group will meet in November in Sweden.

The group consists of young, under 40-year old professionals from sectors of medical, IT, energy, civil engineering etc. to share their knowledge to be used for their common goals – that are not announced to public.

Are such groups needed? Are they threat or possibility? Why should we care? Is it always so, that we are attracted about what happens behind closed doors? Maybe they just eat, drink, whatch porn, tell bad jokes and execute secret rituals? Why is media not allowed there? What do they have to hide?


Arrogance and ingenuity

Big ideas need teams around them to make them reality.

The smartest people are often also quiet, humble, modest and have bad self esteem. In the struggle for survival in the rough world of business their ideas are neglected by the arrogant idiots, who can not see the essence of the brilliance in their thoughts.

Too often are good ideas put down when the inventor needs some support and ask for opinion from someone who just neglectfully answers: “aha, fine, hasn’t that been done already, what is the point in this etc.”

The most successful people in the world have been the rare breed of selfish arrogant geniuses. Those are in their own class. Most of the millionaires are either arrogant and stupid or just plain lucky.

Sometimes the shy smart guys also qualify to the group of latter.

All nerds unite! Say fuck you to the people who do not understand you. Do your thing. Be successful and fund a statue with names of oll of those who did not believe in you!

Pluto, Lord of the Underworld

The end.

Cold black sky. No movement.

Sound of drum at the distance is getting quiet.

There she stands. Pale girl in dark hair. Serious expression on her face. She is waving goodbye and then turns her back at me. Silent sad figure. She is walking away to the darkness.

The end is beautiful but a little scary.

I collapse on my knees and cry. Tear drops turn into ice.

Songwriting contest!

Hello my dear lovers.

As you can see, I have been getting lots of song adaptations about the lyrics posted in this page. The latest one was based on THIS lyric. You can hear it here:

I want to challenge you to make your own version of any of my texts here. The best will receive 100 USD cash plus a special signed copy of my book.

Seek inspiration from examples in here and here.

Contest is open until further notice and there can be multple winners.

Send your contribution to

By posting your work you will give full rights to to use the work both in commercial and non-commercial use as such or modified.

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I’ve loved a lot. Subjects have not been many, but love has never completely disappeared from my life. Sometimes, it just changes form , or is hidden so deep into the depths of the heart that its existence will be forgotten.

I’ve done a lot of things in my life , and I loved them at the time. Now that times and situations and hobbies have changed, have left me longing for those things even if they really are more valuable as memories. I have a lot of dreams. The things that I have not yet done, but I think I would love it when I get there.

I want my partner to be something that is appropriate amound similar and different than I am. Almost opposite personalities but the same spirit in thoughts. Such has an insatiable interest to breath in the spirit of the world and learn to understand it better. Someone who wants to create something fantastic even if at the moment they are too shy or poor or busy to implement it. Someone who lives in the moment, but occasionally reaching for their toes to feel the ground.

I am really pleased to endeavor to where I am now but still look forward to sometimes move to other areas. Maybe with the right woman would I dwell in house by the sea or in the countryside. Perhaps strangely decorated town house. One which from the outside seems different than what the inside would expect.

I want to achieve something. I want to realize my dreams. Even in small scale. I want to produce more dreams and realize them in ways great and small. I would sometimes want to get someone to take advantage of the information I gathered. I would like to do something that makes people feel good.

I want to be remembered being a weird contradictive person whose intentions were unclear at first but the complex thoughts at the end revealed their true beauty. I want to be remembered for creating ideas all of which were rejected but still I saved them and carried out for my own sake so that those who did not understand at the time could later rejoice.

I would be jealous if someone would tell me their life story as I tell my own. To realize the dreams even if they were just droplets in the ocean of normal hard working life. Ofcourse I would not tell them about tedious passages in work and everyday life. I do not know if I’ve done anything to make others jeleaous but I feel that I am more proud of my doings than others.

The whole life is one big adventure. I’ve seen a lot and I could name the places that are yet to be visited and adventures that are still not done but the greatest of these is probably a family. I had to consider this when one of my girlfriends told me she’d never want a family or children . In this regard, I needed to leave my thoughts asidebut yes, I would like to experience it – the “boring” family life. It is the beginning of life -long adventure.

I would like to do something to help mankind. I dream of a project that if successful, would reduce obesity and improve the quality of life for people everywhere. I’m not worried about the fact that time is not yet ready for its implementation. I would like to give people the guidelines to help them. Actually it is sufficient when one asks what they want and then tell it back to them.

My personality also has disadvantages. I become easily frustrated and angry at people who do not understand all my crazy thoughts. Frequently I experience a number of other notches in thought and that the people do not keep up with me and begin to argue but the truth is that sometimes I get stuck in my own thoughts and I refuse to accept the lifeline that others try to throw.

My finest childhood memories are probably associated to a family activity weekends. Trips with my parents and my grandparents. Picnic in a natural setting. I have started to hike again . I did not know why but perhaps because it takes me back to those memories. Maybe someday I can get my own family to take such a trip.

The importance of friends and family is something that can easily be forgotten. It is hard to tell important people how important they really are. It seems that it would be dubious to say something since they already know it. Certainly they know, but maybe it still should be told out loud. I often say that the phrase ” Why don’t you ever tell me that you love me” is redundant because if there is love – they should know it without saying. Maybe I’ve been wrong. People doubt their own feelings. Maybe they should from time to time to remind you that they are right.

Strange how useless things I’m afraid of. I’m afraid for not being understood – even if on the other hand I am proud to say that I think differently than the others. I am afraid for getting no as an answer. I am talkative and social type , but sometimes the worst thing in the world seems to be smiling and to introducemyself to new people and ask “What is your name ?”